Friday, April 5, 2019 - 11:43 am Categories:
2019 Spring Flooding

After reviewing Morton County’s roads, water structures and levee damages due to recent overland and river flooding, the Morton County Commission has declared a Flood Emergency. Morton County will utilize its emergency fund to accommodate the additional costs associated with these damages.

The impact of the damages threatens the health, well-being and public safety of the citizens of Morton County and significant permanent work will be required to fully recover from flood damages and bring infrastructure back to pre-disaster condition. The overtime pay, costs of materials, contract work, extra fuel, maintenance and repairs all contribute to the need for this emergency declaration.

“Morton County suffered some significant damages to infrastructure due to Heart River ice jams and snowmelt in various areas in the county,” Morton County Emergency Manager Tom Doering said. “We will need the emergency funding in order to cover the mounting costs of repairing those damages.”

While it takes effect immediately with the signature of Commission Chairman Bruce Strinden, the declaration will be brought before the full commission for ratification at its Thursday, April 11 meeting.

Morton County website: