Friday, October 16, 2020 - 04:54 pm Categories:

Gov. Doug Burgum, in conjunction with the North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH), announced today that North Dakota has submitted its COVID-19 vaccination plan to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The plan can be found at

“We’re deeply grateful to all of the agencies and partners involved in this collaborative effort to develop a comprehensive COVID-19 vaccination plan,” Governor Burgum said. “North Dakota is ready to take action as soon as a safe and effective vaccine becomes available.” 

North Dakota’s planning efforts are based on CDC guidance to anticipate a phased availability of vaccines within the state. This COVID-19 vaccine plan outlines how a future COVID-19 vaccine will be prioritized, equitably allocated, distributed and administered in North Dakota.

“We have been planning for months to ensure we have a detailed plan ready to be able to distribute and administer the COVID-19 vaccine as successfully as possible when it becomes available,” said NDDoH Immunization Program Manager Molly Howell. “We’re appreciative for our partners who continue to assist us in this process. Preparations and planning will continue while awaiting an approved vaccine.”

Key areas addressed in this plan include enrollment of health care providers to administer vaccine, storage and handling, prioritization, allocation, distribution, and data reporting. The plan will be updated as additional information about the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available. It is still unknown who will be prioritized for COVID-19 vaccine and when a vaccine will be available.

North Dakota included pharmacies, long-term care facilities, corrections, universities, health care providers, local public health, tribal entities and other key stakeholders in the planning process.

“In North Dakota, we have a close connection with health care, nonprofits, community groups and others that has strengthened our response to COVID-19,” said Kylie Hall with the NDSU Center for Immunization Research and Education and member of the vaccine planning team. “Our partners are continuing to prepare for the day when a safe and effective vaccine is available so we can distribute it equitably and efficiently.”

In August, North Dakota was selected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as one of four states to be part of a pilot project to plan for the distribution of a future COVID-19 vaccine.

For more information on COVID-19 vaccine, visit