Monday, March 1, 2021 - 06:54pm Categories:

The North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH) is reminding healthcare providers that COVID-19 vaccination of out-of-state residents must be limited to only those who live (college students, temporary residence) or work in North Dakota. COVID-19 vaccination is also permitted for out-of-state residents who are already established patients of North Dakota healthcare providers.

“According to the North Dakota Immunization Information Service, there have been over 15,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses provided to out-of-state residents,” said Molly Howell, NDDoH Immunization Director, “Minnesotans account for 12,315 of these doses. The majority of these doses have gone to out-of-state residents who work in health care settings in North Dakota or patients who have their primary care physician in North Dakota. However, we are starting to see data showing that people are traveling to North Dakota from out-of-state just to be vaccinated; these individuals should be vaccinated in their own state.”

Over 4,600 North Dakotans have received COVID-19 vaccine doses in Minnesota. It also is likely that many North Dakotans were vaccinated in southern states this winter.

North Dakotans can find when they will be eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at